Make Smart Choices for Your Future
It's never too early - or too late - to develop a plan that will carry you to a comfortable retirement!
First PREMIER can help you navigate the road ahead to meet your financial goals.

Planning for Retirement
We can assist with 401(k) rollovers, Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) and more. An IRA is a tax-efficient way for you to save, and allows your money to grow tax free while it's in the account. The type of IRA you choose will depend on your age, income and financial goals. You can visit the IRS for more information.
Need to Roll Over Your Account?
- Roll assets to another IRA?
- Leave assets in your existing plan?
- Move assets to your new employer's plan?
- Roll over or take a lump sum distribution?
- Transfer assets from your former employer's retirement plan (401(k), profit-sharing plan, etc.)
- Choose a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA
- Keep your savings tax deferred
{1} Securities and insurance products are offered through Cetera Investment Services LLC (doing insurance business in CA as CFGIS Insurance Agency), member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory services are offered through Cetera Investment Advisers LLC. Neither firm is affiliated with the financial institution where investment services are offered. Investments are:
- Not FDIC/NCUSIF insured
- May lose value
- Not financial institution guaranteed
- Not a deposit
- Not insured by any federal government agency.
Check the background of our investment professionals on FINRA’s BrokerCheck
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This site is published for residents of the United States only. Registered Representatives of Cetera Investment Services LLC may only conduct business with residents of the states and/or jurisdictions in which they are properly registered. Not all of the products and services referenced on this site may be available in every state and through every advisor listed. For additional information please contact the advisor(s) listed on the site or visit the Cetera Investment Services LLC site at www.ceterainvestmentservices.com.